第13届 SUSE Hackweek!

来源 ] solidot.org/story?sid=46407 / blug.sh/suse-hackweek-13-dec-7th-11th.html

一年一度(或两度)的 SUSE Hackweek 终于到来了,时间是 12 月 7 日至 11 日。在这一周的时间里,SUSE 的工程师们可以放下手头的工作,去尝试那些自己一直以来很想做,但是却没有时间做的事情。当然,是任何与技术相关甚至无关的事 - 发起一个项目,加入别人的项目,学习一门新的语言,研究一项新的技术,学习一样乐器…… 。本活动不仅限于公司内部,SUSE 邀请来自社区的黑客们一同参加。您可以在 Hackweek 官方网站 上提交项目(使用 openSUSE 账户登录),然后与全世界各地的工程师们一同度过难忘的一周。SUSE 北京办公室还将为参加的小伙伴们提供免费午餐和零食饮料。

Hack Week 13 is around the corner. It will happen December 7th - December 11th! And as with every Hack Week, we can’t make it happen without volunteers! If you would like to help, and particularly if you have your own ideas how to make the 13th Hack Week even better than the ones before, don’t wait, don’t hesitate and let your department lead know today. Happy Hacking!

Hack Week is a week where SUSE engineers can experiment without limits. It’s the opportunity to innovate, collaborate across teams, and learn. The only rule is: Do what you want, but do it!

This year the BLUG is invited to join the SUSE Hackweek, and a few of us will be working alongside SUSE developers in their office.

Join a team working on a project during Hackweek or create your own new project at hackweek.suse.com/13/projects/new

You are welcome join us on IRC on irc.freenode.net in the channels #chinalug and #hackweek

*  **Date/Time:**  From Dec 7 ~ 11, 9:00 ~ 17:00
*  **Location:**  SUSE Beijing Office (Tel 65339000)
*  **Address:**  北京财富中心 3603, Beijing Fortune Plaza Office 3603
*  **Map:**   [OpenStreetMap](http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=39.91467&mlon=116.45434#map=18/39.91467/116.45434) 
*  **Subway:**  十号线金台夕照(Jin Tai Xi Zhao of Line 10) Exit D


呵呵,我在台北那边参加的 Hackweek。