64 位 opensuse13.1 下安装 UG9.0 无法启动

我这两天尝试在 opensuse13.1 上安装 UG9.0,不过总是不成功。我描述下我的安装过程,希望有大虾能帮忙解决问题。谁让我是小白呢 (๑-﹏-๑)。

我参照安装说明,首先要安装 default-jre,libmotif3 和 lsb。但是我在 opensuse 下没有找到 default-jre 和 libmotif3(貌似是在 ubuntu 下有),于是我就安装了 openjdk 和 motif。后面就是完全按照说明来安装的。安装完 SPLMLicenseServer 后在进程中只有 lmgrd,ugslmd 则不在进程中。我继续安装完毕后,运行 UG,就一直停在启动画面最后弹出来告诉我可能是 SPLMLicenseServer 没有运行。

SPLMLicenseServer 安装日志

18:17:02 (lmgrd)
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   Please Note:
18:17:02 (lmgrd) 
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   This log is intended for debug purposes only.
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   In order to capture accurate license
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   usage data into an organized repository,
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   please enable report logging. Use Flexera Software LLC.'s
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   software license administration  solution,
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   FLEXnet Manager, to  readily gain visibility
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   into license usage data and to create
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   insightful reports on critical information like
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   can be fully automated to run these reports on
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   schedule and can be used to track license
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   servers and usage across a heterogeneous
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   and UNIX. Contact Flexera Software LLC. at
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   www.flexerasoftware.com for more details on how to
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
18:17:02 (lmgrd)   for your enterprise.
18:17:02 (lmgrd) 
18:17:02 (lmgrd)
18:17:02 (lmgrd) 
18:17:02 (lmgrd) 
18:17:02 (lmgrd) The license server manager (lmgrd) running as root:
18:17:02 (lmgrd)    This is a potential security problem
18:17:02 (lmgrd)    and is not recommended.
18:17:02 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v11.10.1.0 build 99220 x64_lsb) started on linux-bx9o.site (linux) (6/22/2014)
18:17:02 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2012 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
18:17:02 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
18:17:02 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:  http://www.flexerasoftware.com
18:17:02 (lmgrd) License file(s): /usr/Siemens/PLMLicenseServer/splm6.lic
18:17:02 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 28000
18:17:02 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ... 
18:17:02 (lmgrd) Started ugslmd (internet tcp_port 42004 pid 8799)
18:17:02 (ugslmd) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.10.1.2 build 106212 x64_lsb
18:17:12 (ugslmd) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
18:17:12 (ugslmd)   ==>INCREMENT ADV_MFG ugslmd 29.0 permanent 5 SUPERSEDE DUP_GROUP=UHD \
21:50:11 (ugslmd) License server system started on linux-bx9o.site
21:50:11 (ugslmd) No features to serve, exiting
21:50:11 (ugslmd) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 36 Exit reason 4
21:50:11 (lmgrd) ugslmd exited with status 36 (No features to serve)
21:50:11 (lmgrd) ugslmd daemon found no features.  Please correct
21:50:11 (lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons.
21:50:11 (lmgrd) 
21:50:11 (lmgrd) This may be due to the fact that you are using
21:50:11 (lmgrd) a different license file from the one you expect.
21:50:11 (lmgrd) Check to make sure that:
21:50:11 (lmgrd) /usr/Siemens/PLMLicenseServer/splm6.lic 
21:50:11 (lmgrd) is the license file you want to use.


0. Go root
1. Install default-jre and libmotif3 and lsb
2. Mount IMG with "-o ro,exec" option
3. Go to IMG root dir and install 


    Use license file from _SolidSQUAD_ folder.

4. Wait until server installed, then killall -9 lmgrd ugslmd
5. sudo 

   ./nx090/ug_install -v

   then follow instructions
6. Go to NX9.0 root folder (the parent folder of UGII_BASE_FOLDER where license server and ugs090 directories appear) and

  tar zxvf <release dir>/_SolidSQUAD_/SIEMENS.PLM.NX.9.0.0.LINUX64-SSQ.tar.gz

   to replace files with overwrite

7. Restart your system to start license server and reload your environment

我猜测可能是许可证服务器没有正确安装,我不知道是不是依赖包出现问题或是其他问题。我对 linux 也是一知半解,希望大虾能帮忙,如果能在 linux 上使用 UG,我就可以逐步放弃 win 了。谢谢

如果我没有猜错应该就是 java-1_7_0-openjdk-headless、motif 和 lsb 这三个软件包了。

18:17:12 (ugslmd) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)


覆盖破解文件的时候没做错啥吧?重启之后启动了 License Server 了吗?(我估计这个 License Server 不会自动启动的)

lmgrd 啊,熟悉的感觉。。。如果它有全名,那就一定是 licensemanagerd,所以说和它相关的问题,一定都是 license 的问题。。。

不过我比较担心你的 libmotif3.so。因为这玩意儿太旧了,是个 2010 年以前的玩意儿,软件包的没了(ubuntu 早在 12.04 的时代也没了),现在的版本应该还是 libmotif4,用它做出来的软件超级难看,简直就是八九十年代的感觉。不过旧、难看什么的都无所谓,麻烦的是新旧版本的包无法相互代换,所以我挺担心你就算克服了 license 的问题,软件最终是否真的能用。。。

UG NX 9.0 好像有点印象,是不是早就不支持 Unix 了啊,9.0 是最后一个支持的版本啊。。。

依赖没问题,motify,openjdk,lsb、不知道你安装许可证时是否有报错,类似 unknow host 一类

没有报错,安装一切顺利的,license 文件我修改过主机名的,安装许可证服务器的时候没有问题,而且还也启动了服务的,但是我把破解文件覆盖原文件后重启系统就没办法启动服务了。

18:55:15 (lmgrd) The TCP port number in the license, 28000, is already in use.
18:55:15 (lmgrd) Possible causes: 
18:55:15 (lmgrd)    1) The license server manager (lmgrd) is already running for this license.
18:55:15 (lmgrd)    2) The OS has not "cleared" this port since lmgrd died.
18:55:15 (lmgrd)    3) Another process is using this port number (unlikely).
18:55:15 (lmgrd) Solutions:
18:55:15 (lmgrd)    1) Make sure lmgrd and all vendor daemons for this 
18:55:15 (lmgrd)       license are not running.
18:55:15 (lmgrd)    2) You may have to wait for the OS to clear this port.

我昨天又折腾了一下,提示了这个错误,貌似是 TCP 端口 28000 被占用的问题

解决方案就是找个能用的 license。