[已解决]OBS:Server:2.6为什么不给Leap 42.1编包

在 42.1 下构建 obs appliance,发现 obs-server 最新的 2.6 版里面不支持 42.1,于是我使用了 unreleased 的 unstable 的 build.opensuse.org/project/show/OBS:Server
, 装 obs-server 和 obs-worker 都还正常,装到 obs-api 的时候悲剧发生了:

Icy@linux-dexl:/usr/lib/obs/server> sudo zypper in obs-api
root's password:
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: nothing provides ruby2.3-rubygem-passenger-apache2 needed by obs-api-2.6.51.git20160121.dc42fce-1633.1.noarch
 Solution 1: do not install obs-api-2.6.51.git20160121.dc42fce-1633.1.noarch
 Solution 2: break obs-api-2.6.51.git20160121.dc42fce-1633.1.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): 

software.opensuse.org 里一搜,ruby2.3-rubygem-passenger-apache2 这货根本不存在。。。。

怎么办 :joy:
难道只能用 openSUSE 13.2 搭建 obs appliance 么

既然这个 unstable 版本的 repository 能用,obs-api 也 publish 出来了,那证明编译它时的 BuildRequire 肯定都解决了,那么 ruby2.3-rubygem-passenger-apache2 不可能是 BuildRequire。

是不是只有 stable release 的 repository 才满足有限封闭性啊,unstable 的可以不满足?

准备使用这个 repository 试试:
可能是某个用户专门针对 42.1 给 build 的,真是救火啊。

好吧,他们说用 unstable,可能今天他们有改动,之前用 unstalbe 是装不上 obs-api 的,现在可以了,依赖也变成了 rubygem-passenger-apache2,被自动解决了。
On Montag, 25. Januar 2016, 09:22:30 CET wrote huang shun:
Visit build.opensuse.org/project/show/OBS:Server:2.6

huang shun wrote in project OBS:Server:2.6:

I’m trying to manually build obs from minimal installation of Leap 42.1, but it turns out that there is no obs-server built for Leap 42.1.

2.6 is not building flawless on Leap. Please use :Unstable instead.

Adrian Schroeter
email: adrian@suse.de

SUSE Linux GmbH, GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton, HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)

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