我不能这么干,那些 Golang 的包除了个别是深度开发的 DDE Golang 库以外,其他的都是和 DDE没有直接关系的第三方公共 Golang。如果全部从 X11:Deepin 发起,这是不符合 openSUSE 对 devel project 的管理规范的。如果我绕过devel: language:Golang 直接发起,到时候 R.B 发动 board 把我吊起来批判一番,说我恶意越权,滥用 devel project 的权限乱搞我找谁说理去?
Tomas 和 R.B 这两货对社区都很不友好啊,他们都是现在 Board 具有 SUSE 员工身份的成员。
This is where the commotion started… Refactoring with pure bash by tboerger · Pull Request #6 · openSUSE/golang-packaging · GitHub
我还有一大堆 request 在 OBS 上躺了几个月了,既不接受又不拒绝,也不给任何解释。
这个Aleksa Sarai 是 flavio 那个组的吗?我不知道是不是 Dimstar 给他们说了什么,他主动给我发了封邮件解释为什么 request 躺了5个月没人理的原因,一个劲的道歉。他的意思好像也是建议我直接从 X11:Deepin 提交,因为 devel:languages:go 缺乏人手(他们把你气跑当然就没人了)。其他的公共包需要用新的 style 重新打包再提交.
Hello @hillwood,
First off, I owe you an apology. You submitted several SRs to add new
packages to devel:languages:go in order to maintain Deepin. I read
through the SRs when you first posted them and wasn’t sure how to
respond, so I didn’t say anything. And then they just sat for longer and
longer without any more action taken. I shouldn’t have done that. Here
is the email I should have sent you 5 months ago.The main problem that I had when looking at the SRs is that they are
packaged according to the old packaging guidelines (each Go project has
its own package as a “library”). This model was based on Ruby, but we
very quickly discovered that it doesn’t work very well (it causes many
breakages on the package level and makes dealing with upstreams harder).The new standard for Go packaging in openSUSE is to use vendoring (where
all of the dependencies are placed in a top-level vendor/ directory).
Most upstream Go projects follow this style. As a result we no longer
package library packages for Go. (This obviously brings some
maintenance burden, but given recent developments in the Go community it
seems quite likely that this is going to be very close to how Go’s
community envisions distribution-style packaging).This means that if you want to submit the Deepin packages to the
devel:languages:go project you would need to repackage them in the new
style. However, you might not want to include your packages in
devel:languages:go at all! The only packages that /should/ be in
devel:languages:go are development tools for Go, and other packages
should go into their appropriate package (in the case of Deepin, I
imagine that it would be X11:Deepin – where the packages already live).Unfortunately, currently devel:languages:go is not really where it
should be (quite a few packages don’t match the guidelines I just
described). This is mostly caused due to a lack of time, and the fact
that we would need to remove those now-incorrectly-packaged packages
from TW and Leap.I was worried it would be a bit hypocritical to ask you to change your
packages even though our own packages are not really correct either.
Again, I’m sorry that it took so long to give you a response to your
SRs. In retrospect, it’s pretty obvious that not responding made the
situation much worse than just explaining the situation from the outset.–
Aleksa Sarai
Senior Software Engineer (Containers)
SUSE Linux GmbH
我思考一下该怎么回他,我会 cc 给你。我觉得他们还需要解释一下组团过来彻底架空社区贡献者是几个意思。
@hillwood 有时间我会把我前面说的整理一下,配上更详尽的证据,发给 Dimstar。邮件题目我都想好了:History of golang for openSUSE, and why it fails so badly today.
既然Aleksa Sarai道歉了,那应该就是确认他们搞错了,看来应该是一场误会。我看咱们就甭乘胜追击了。风物长宜放眼量嘛。你想,抓住这个事儿,咱就不依不饶也不好嘛,以后还得一块合作不是。Aleksa Sarai也得做很多贡献。你把他们都给怼出内伤了,以后他们只在SLE里面做,openSUSE社区也没人贡献了,openSUSE的事儿不是他们工作职责,都是自愿性质。
再次,openSUSE conference就要停止申请了啊,没有人想去布拉格转转嘛?
你说的我都能理解。SUSE 员工用业余时间贡献,确实不容易,可你反过来想,社区开发者不是更不容易吗?为了员工在业余时间可以贡献,就让社区开发者在任何时间都贡献不了?在贡献这一点上,都是平等的好吧,不能因为你一个子虚乌有的设想,就把别人的行动扼杀在萌芽状态吧?在你没有 show code 前,就应该给别人去 shape 这个 repo 的权力,你的 code 出来,确实好,我们也不是油盐不进的。为了你的一个 idea,霸占一整个 repo 一年零好几个月是几个意思?
大家关心的,不是说我的项目被抢了,或者 @hillwood 的 requests 被晾着,这些个案。我们关心的是原则。SUSE 打算今后如何处理员工和开发者的关系?不能总是 Chairman 选边站,事后 one by one 的一 sorry 拉倒。你看,hillwood 的这个问题,依然是 in private,把他引导到别的方向去,然后依然没有公开任何 plan,仍然没有任何人 watch,那个 repo 对别人依然像是黑洞一样。hillwood 老实了,别的开发者怎么办?我私人邮件里还有另外一个打包 go-ipfs 的人在问我呢,开源世界不是说你不想怎样就不让别人怎样,重要的是妥协。你不可能自己什么都没有做出来之前就让人服你。那个 dev 就要把 go-ipfs 放到这个 repo,Flavio 提的推卸责任的建议不管用,怎么办?Flavio 又不管了,这么拖着是个头吗?
我敢说,就算 hillwood 在他们之前实现了那个 vendor 的设想,他们也是一顿 code review,这里不合理那里不合理,就像我当初遇到的那样,一定要把方向写成他们脑子里的样子,他们扮演一个站着说话不腰疼的角色。我当初最不舒服的点就是,我是作者,你们是贡献者,不能是我来说服你们接受我的看法,而应该是你们 team 来说服社区去接受你们的 idea。这不是公司内部,我们不是下属也不是收钱的码农,我们可以有任何的方向,放羊要放对,不能说这只羊不听话我杀了吃肉。
这点北京 Office 做的很好,之前 openSUSE.Asia 举办地投票,@weihua 其实不同意我不选 India 的理由,但是 @yansun 还是把我的 choice 原样报上去了,这就是人人都有表达自己的权力。但你看这个 repo 呢?完全没有。我的事是一个例子,hillwood 又是一个,他就算把之前咱们说的那个所有其它 repo 和其它发型版的做法报上去反驳,绝对过不了。因为他们现在抢来核弹按钮了。这就是问题所在,拥有最大的权力,确不与社区沟通,也没有任何作为。这么下去,openSUSE 会死的你知道吗?他们不学习谁学习?他们不被整治谁被整治?
布拉格你可以鼓励许林玉去,Ana 说要邀请 mentee 去参加 openSUSE conference。重庆去欧洲非常不方便,我从来都没打算去。
SUSE 现在支持快速将 openSUSE Leap 服务器迁移至 SUSE Linux 企业版。