
资源监视器中有 lmgrd和 ugslmd进程,就是那个启动器不会弄,现在打开就一个框框,帮我看看啊,jre-8u191-linux-x64.rpm安装说什么签名错误,估计没有安装上,libmotif3这个也没有安装上,找不在哪里下载!贴上安装破解说明0. Go root and uninstall previous Siemens NX 12.0.0/12.0.1 if it was installed!

  1. Install default-jre and libmotif3 and lsb

  2. Insert ISO to virtual drive or mount ISO

  3. Install NX to folder of choice (like /opt/Siemens/ugs120):


    then follow instructions. DONT INSTALL PLM LICENSE SERVER FROM ISO!

  4. Untar the “SolidSQUAD.tar.gz” from crack to /tmp folder

  5. Start the “SSQ_INSTALL_SIEMENS” script from “/tmp/SolidSQUAD” folder:


    and wait until it completes. The script will detect and uninstall
    all previous License servers and install SSQ Universal License Server
    and Siemens PLM client crack files

  6. Start the “INSTALL_SIEMENS_XFIX” script from
    “/tmp/SolidSQUAD/Localization” folder:

    sh /tmp/SolidSQUAD/Localization/INSTALL_SIEMENS_XFIX

    to solve problems with X Windows and font display for multilanguage

  7. Reboot the computer!

  8. Enjoy!

Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ

贴上终端启动结果 zhang@linux-gxhk:/usr/ugs120/ugii> ./ugii

            Starting ...   

Failed to handle error condition correctly - exiting

License Error, server not connected. [ -10004 ]


Fatal error detected

它说了你找的破解 License 错误。
