thumbleweed 更新失败,请看明细

Dependency resolution failed:

the installed fcitx-qt5-1.2.7-1.3.x86_64 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided the installed fcitx-libpinyin-0.5.4-1.8.x86_64 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided

libfcitx-config4 和 libfcitx-utils2 安装一下。如果没有,就证明你的源数据不是最新的。

谢谢告知,软件中心查不到 libfcitx-config4 和 libfcitx-utils2,请问下哪个数据源较好,谢谢。

dirk.xu@localhost:~> sudo zypper search libfcitx-config4
[sudo] password for root:
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name | Summary | Type
i | libfcitx-config4 | Config library of fcitx4 | package
dirk.xu@localhost:~> zypper install libfcitx-config4
Root privileges are required to run this command.
dirk.xu@localhost:~> sudo zypper install libfcitx-config4
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘libfcitx-config4’ is already installed.
No update candidate for ‘libfcitx-config4-’. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies…
Nothing to do.
dirk.xu@localhost:~> sudo zypper search libfcitx-utils2
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
No matching items found.


dirk.xu@localhost:~> sudo zypper search libfcitx-utils0
[sudo] password for root:
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name | Summary | Type
i | libfcitx-utils0 | Util library of fcitx | package
dirk.xu@localhost:~> sudo zypper install libfcitx-utils0
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘libfcitx-utils0’ is already installed.
No update candidate for ‘libfcitx-utils0-’. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies…
Nothing to do.
