Firefox 自从某个版本开始会绕过代理泄露用户真实位置?

个人常年挂着梯子,这个问题想不起来从什么时候开始的,应该是 Leap 15.5 的 esr, 具体症状是:Google Books 自动跳转到 cn 域名(尽管压根没有,有些网站会莫名其妙地显示中文(例如 “Sign in with your Google account” 变成了中文翻译(我用的英文 en-GB 系统,偏好语言里没有中文),刚才登陆 Azure, 有这么一段话:
Personal data export consent
When you use this product and the other products and services (“products”) listed in the Learn more, personal data required to provide and operate the products securely is transferred outside of China. Some products allow you to send additional optional data, which will also be sent outside of China if you choose to send it. The data is encrypted in transit. Data stored locally on your device is not transferred unless you take affirmative action to transfer it, such as storing it with an overseas cloud provider.


补充:问了下 ChatGPT:
The security problem you’re experiencing is known as “geolocation leakage” or “geolocation detection.” It occurs when websites or online services are able to determine your actual physical location despite using a proxy or VPN service to conceal your IP address.

Geolocation leakage can happen due to various reasons, and I’ll mention a few possible causes in your case:

Web browser configuration: Even if you’re using a proxy, certain browser settings or plugins/extensions may be revealing your actual location. For example, Firefox has a feature called “Geolocation” that allows websites to request your physical location for improved services. Ensure this feature is disabled in your browser settings.

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) leaks: WebRTC is a browser feature used for real-time communication, such as video chats or file sharing. However, it can also inadvertently leak your real IP address, bypassing the proxy. You can disable WebRTC in your browser settings or use browser extensions/add-ons specifically designed to block WebRTC leaks.

DNS leakage: Domain Name System (DNS) leakage occurs when your browser uses the default DNS servers provided by your internet service provider (ISP) instead of the proxy’s DNS servers. This can reveal your true location. You can configure your browser or operating system to use custom DNS servers (such as those provided by your proxy service) to prevent DNS leakage.

IP address range detection: Some websites may have databases or algorithms that associate IP address ranges with specific geographic regions. If the proxy you’re using has a known range associated with China, websites can detect this and redirect you accordingly. Switching to a different proxy server or VPN location may help overcome this issue.

Proxy server misconfiguration: It’s also possible that the proxy server you’re using is misconfigured or experiencing technical issues, leading to geolocation leakage. Consider trying a different proxy or contacting the proxy service provider for assistance.

To enhance your privacy and prevent geolocation leakage, it’s recommended to thoroughly review your browser settings, disable unnecessary features, and ensure your proxy or VPN service is properly configured to conceal your IP address and DNS requests effectively. Additionally, regularly updating your browser and using security-focused browser extensions can help mitigate geolocation leakage risks.

感觉在胡扯,我拿 WebRTC Leak Test - BrowserLeaks 检测了一下,没有泄露啊。

位置信息是通过手机应用泄漏的。你把手机上的 google 应用全部关闭位置信息权限,再全面禁用 google 账号的历史记录功能,过两个礼拜就正常了。



Google 搜索页面最下边有它认为你在哪里,和依据什么判断的。
