Tumbleweed 上 KVM 虚拟化貌似有问题


  1. zypper in --recommends libvirt
  2. systemctl enable libvirtd.service
  3. systemctl reboot

之后,用journalctl -u libvirtd.service查看,也只有类似netconfig(记不清是不是这个)不支持的警告信息,除此之外就没啥错误报告了,然后就接着shutdown服务了



直接使用 virt-manager 创建和运行虚拟机貌似没有啥问题,但是结合cockpit使用就有问题了,cockpit依赖 libvirtd.service 提供的 socket 服务。
zypper in --recommends cockpit cockpit-machines


你们会不会觉得对比 vmware 的界面和功能,virt-manager 特别的原始?




systemctl disable libvirtd
systemctl enable virtqemud
systemctl enable virtxend.service
systemctl enable virtlxcd.service

感谢解答 :grinning:

貌似真是这个问题,我重新安装测试,发现直接zypper in cockpit cockpit-machines && systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket就一切 OK
然后man virtqemud看到这句话:

The virtqemud program is a server side daemon component of the libvirt virtualization management system.
It is one of a collection of modular daemons that replace functionality previously provided by the monolithic libvirtd daemon.

才知道 libvirt-daemon 被拆分成不同服务了,同时安装一个服务的两种实现方案难免冲突了 :joy:

但是还是部分功能 (virtinterfaced.service) 有问题,下面是日志:

journalctl -u virtinterfaced.service

12 月 12 02:13:00 SUSE systemd[1]: Starting libvirt interface daemon...
12 月 12 02:13:00 SUSE systemd[1]: virtinterfaced.service: Got notification message from PID 1434, but reception only permitted for main PID 1372
12 月 12 02:13:00 SUSE virtinterfaced[1372]: libvirt version: 9.10.0
12 月 12 02:13:00 SUSE virtinterfaced[1372]: hostname: SUSE
12 月 12 02:13:00 SUSE virtinterfaced[1372]: Failed to initialize libnetcontrol.  Management of interface devices is disabled
12 月 12 02:13:00 SUSE systemd[1]: Started libvirt interface daemon.
12 月 12 02:15:00 SUSE systemd[1]: virtinterfaced.service: Deactivated successfully.
12 月 12 02:15:25 SUSE systemd[1]: Starting libvirt interface daemon...
12 月 12 02:15:25 SUSE systemd[1]: virtinterfaced.service: Got notification message from PID 3571, but reception only permitted for main PID 3560
12 月 12 02:15:25 SUSE virtinterfaced[3560]: libvirt version: 9.10.0
12 月 12 02:15:25 SUSE virtinterfaced[3560]: hostname: SUSE
12 月 12 02:15:25 SUSE virtinterfaced[3560]: Failed to initialize libnetcontrol.  Management of interface devices is disabled
12 月 12 02:15:25 SUSE systemd[1]: Started libvirt interface daemon.

我看这个libnetcontrol问题很早就存在了( libvirtd: Failed to initialize libnetcontrol - #3 by z2 - Virtualization - openSUSE Forums ),可到现在也找不到解决方案


method call ListInterfaces timed out

不过目前貌似没有发现有哪些功能受影响 :joy: