关于 ug8.5 安装主程序时报错


initializing ...
        NX V8.5 Installation 2013年 11月 03日 星期日 15:13:29 CST
        Enter '?' for help, '!' for shell, or 'q' to quit at any prompt.
        Main Menu.              'n/a' indicates item is not applicable

        1. UG Installation type. ______________________ [load+configure]
        2. SOURCE directory. ____________________________________ [help]
        3. BASE directory. _______________________________ [/usr/ugs085]
        4. O.K. to MODIFY system files. __________________________ [yes]
        5. License server(s) or a filename. ____ [28000@linux-012e.site]

*       Enter item(s) to query or change: [continue] 

        Checking source directory help ...
WARNING: source directory required for 'load+configure'.

        Checking base directory /usr/ugs085 ... 
        Checking ok to modify system files ...
        Checking user supplied server name(s) ... 
WARNING: could not ping linux-012e.site  This node may not be up. 
WARNING: one or more servers failed validation tests

ERROR:  no useable servers were entered. all failed validation tests. 
        The servers entered were not valid or not up and running.
        The environment variable UGS_LICENSE_SERVER must be set to
        valid server(s) OR a license filename before running NX.

*       Enter CR after reading errors. 


linux-012e:/mnt # hostname
linux-012e:/mnt # vim /usr/Siemens/PLMLicenseServer/splm5.lic
SERVER linux-012e.site ID=201105555 28000


linux-012e:/mnt # ps ax | grep ugslmd
16748 pts/1    D+     0:00 grep --color=auto ugslmd


1. Red Hat 6.0 or SuSe Linux Enterprise Desktop 11sp1 or higher is required - no free linuxes!

2. Install the ksh and lsb packages with your package manager

3. Copy license file from _SolidSQUAD_ folder to /root/splm5.lic

4. Insert dvd or mount  iso

5. Go to terminal, change working dir to dvd root, then type

	sudo ./SPLM*

the license server setup starts. Select server directory and point to licfile /root/splm5.lic you created

6. After server setup is complete, type

	sudo ./nx085/ug_install

and follow on screen instructions to setup NX software itself

7. Change folder to _SolidSQUAD_ in terminal and type

	sudo ./SIEMENS*

to start the crack installer
Answer Y twice if you left your license server folder to Siemens default or answer Y then N and type the absolute folder path to your ugslmd and lmgrd executables
On a client prompt answer Y too
When crack finishes installation, reboot your PC

8. To run NX GUI, define two exports in .bash_profile

	export UGII_ROOT_DIR=<NX install folder>/ugii
	export UGS_LICENSE_SERVER=28000@localhost

and create a shortcut to $UGII_ROOT_DIR/ugmenu

9. Enjoy :-)

Cracked by Team-SolidSQUAD


#cat /etc/hosts
加两行下面的试试 linux-012e.site localhost…………
::1 linux-012e.site localhost…………